+998 90 9313233
Trainings on sustainable development
Conducting sustainability training can be an important step in ensuring a company's long-term success. Training on sustainable development helps to understand the impact of daily activities on the environment and gives tools to make better decisions in a professional environment.
1. Sustainability аnd ESG
The goal of the training is to broaden the horizons and update knowledge in the field of sustainable development and ESG
It might be interesting to:
  • Organization owners who care about the long-term success of their companies
  • The Board of Directors to understand the risks and opportunities related to sustainable development
  • Top management to better identify and address sustainability issues to improve their overall performance
  • Core employees to understand the importance of sustainability practices and increase engagement in company initiatives
  1. The concept of sustainable development
  2. ESG principles
  3. The ESG market ecosystem
  4. Best Practices in ESG and Sustainability
  • Understanding the concept and trends in sustainability and ESG
  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the company's ESG development
  • Building an ESG profile
The training program:
Skills to be acquired:
2. ESG strategy
The goal of the training is to organize the process of strategic planning for sustainable development
It might be interesting to:
  • The Board of Directors to improve financial performance, reduce reputational risks, and increase the investment appeal of the company
  • Top management to improve the long-term performance of the company
  1. The ESG strategy
  2. The main stages of ESG strategy development and implementation
  3. The management system on ESG
  4. ESG communications
  • Goal-setting
  • Defining strategic priorities
  • Building a sustainability management system
  • Setting up communication processes
The training program:
Skills to be acquired:
3. ESG reporting
It might be interesting to:
  • The board of directors to understand and evaluate the progress of sustainable development efforts
  • Top management to understand the impact of decisions and strategies in the company's sustainability efforts
  • Dedicated staff to understand the value of their company and the impact of those values on the environment
  1. Non-financial reporting
  2. ESG disclosure standards
  3. Trends and best practices
  4. The process of data preparation and collection
  5. Stakeholders
  • Disclosure of ESG information
  • ESG metrics management
  • Optimizing accounting and data collection systems
  • Management of stakeholder expectations
The training program:
Skills to be acquired:
We also conduct trainings on sustainability, prepared on request.
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Contact us and we will advise you on all questions
+998 90 9313233
Phone number: +998 90 9313233
Address: 4 cottage, Intersection of Amir Temur and Shakhrisabs Streets, Mirabad district, Ming Urik MFY, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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